Protection required?

  • I wanna introduce myself but I dont have to because everybody already knows me, I am the king of Yadomi Kingdom.

    We are introducing a protection plan for people that can't survive without a team but have trouble joining one, we give you the "Pepe protection" you will be able to build close to our base and we will protect you if you are trustworthy enough.
    We don't protect you for free but for a decent payment that depends on a few things.

    - How many people are in your team?
    - How many days are you playing on the server after the wipe?
    - How many times are we forced to help you out of trouble?

    We provide our citizens with blueprints and revenge if needed.

    I hope I provided you with enough information and see you in the server!
    Yadomi "King" DIce

    Yadomi Kingdom Protection Sign