Neuer Rust Server Solo/Duo/Trio

  • Hi Rust Player
    We are hosting a new Solo/Duo/Trio vanilla server called “[EU] Solo/Duo/Trio Vanilla Small”. A lot of the solo/duo/trio serves we see have short wipes and wipe BP’s a lot.
    We want to make a server for the players that want the perks of a solo-trio experience but with longer wipes. It’s a 2 square km map and the map and blueprints wipe when forced.
    The server has been live since 1/22/18 so there isn’t much time left in the wipe but we hope people give it a try and stick with us for the next wipe. We are also aware that some server settings such as,
    map size or player limit might need tweaking in the future and we are always open to criticism.

    Scraty and POSH