EU|DE Vanilla X2 | Furnace Splitter | Highscore system | Wipe today 06.03

  • EU|DE Vanilla X2 | Furnace Splitter | Highscore system | Wipe today 06.03

    Greetings everyone,

    id like to introduce you our fresh wiped Server:

    EU/DE Speckmops 2x|LowUpkeep

    (Saturday 6pm gmt+1).

    The Server offers many motivating features like:

    - Starterkit and Workbench 1 BPs unlocked

    - low upkeep, Vanilla X2, Furnace Splitter

    - Homepage with "Daily Rewards"

    - Loyalty points (based on online events, playtime etc, which can be used for ingame items or simple treats

    - Toplist/Highscores on the Website.

    - active, but not parcitipating admins

    - Community Discord for Support, Smalltalk etc

    - NO PAY 2 WIN!

    if we made you curious, feel free to join : client.connect

    see you ingame assaultrifle