Beiträge von Anubis

    Hallo Enodes ,

    Ich nutze dieses

    Leider kann kein Spieler Voten , bin leider auch kein Englisch Profi X/

    Hab hier mal die Config :

    "Airdrop": {
    "Drops": "1",
    "Enabled": "false",
    "Interval": "3000",
    "MinPlayers": "1"
    "Messages": {
    "AdminTimeSet": "Administrator set current time to <color=#cd422b>{set}</color> from <color=#cd422b>{current}</color>.",
    "AlreadyStatus": "Day vote is already <color=#cd422b>{status}</color>.",
    "AlreadyVoted": "You have already voted <color=#cd422b>{vote}</color> for this day vote.",
    "AutoSkip": "Night cycle started and has automatically been skipped.",
    "AutoSkipError": "Day vote is <color=#cd422b>disabled</color>. Night cycles are automatically skipped every <color=#cd422b>{allowed}</color> nights.",
    "ChangedStatus": "Day vote <color=#cd422b>{status}</color>.",
    "Connected": "A day vote is currently in progress. To skip, use <color=#cd422b>/dayvote yes</color>, otherwise, <color=#cd422b>/dayvote no</color>. Yes/no votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}</color>.",
    "ManualAutoSkipError": "You cannot manually start or stop a day vote when night cycles are automatically skipped.",
    "ManualPercentProgress": "Current day vote progress: <color=#cd422b>{percent}%</color> of <color=#ffd479>{players}</color> online players have voted yes. Yes votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}%</color>.",
    "ManualPercentVoteOpen": "Administrator started a skip night cycle vote. To skip, type <color=#cd422b>/dayvote yes</color>, otherwise, <color=#cd422b>/dayvote no</color>. Yes votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}%</color> of <color=#ffd479>{players}</color> online players. Voting ends in <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "ManualProgress": "Current day vote progress: <color=#ffd479>{yes} yes</color>, <color=#cd422b>{no} no</color>. Yes/no votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}</color>.",
    "ManualRevoteClose": "A day vote is not currently open. However, a pending <color=#f9169f>revote</color> has been aborted.",
    "ManualVoteClose": "Administrator aborted current day vote. <color=#cd422b>Night cycle will continue.</color>",
    "ManualVoteOpen": "Administrator started a skip night cycle vote. To skip, type <color=#cd422b>/dayvote yes</color>, otherwise, <color=#cd422b>/dayvote no</color>. Yes/no votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}</color>. Voting ends in <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
    "NotEnabled": "Day vote is <color=#cd422b>disabled</color>.",
    "NotNumber": "Time must be a number between <color=#cd422b>0</color> and <color=#cd422b>23</color>.",
    "NoVote": "No day vote currently open. Wait until the night cycle has started.",
    "NoVoteChange": "You have already voted <color=#cd422b>{vote}</color> for this day vote. Permission to change your vote is disabled.",
    "PercentProgress": "Current day vote progress: <color=#cd422b>{percent}%</color> of <color=#ffd479>{players}</color> online players have voted yes. Yes votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}%</color>. Voting ends in <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "PercentVoteFailed": "<color=#cd422b>Voting is closed.</color> Day vote failed, <color=#cd422b>{percent}%</color> of <color=#cd422b>{players}</color> online players voted yes. Yes votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}%</color>. Night cycle will continue.",
    "PercentVoteOpen": "Night cycle has started. To skip, use <color=#cd422b>/dayvote yes</color>, otherwise, <color=#cd422b>/dayvote no</color>. Yes votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}%</color> of <color=#ffd479>{players}</color> online players. Voting ends in <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "PercentVotePassed": "<color=#cd422b>Voting is closed.</color> Day vote passed, <color=#ffd479>{percent}%</color> of <color=#ffd479>{players}</color> online players voted yes. Night cycle will end.",
    "PlusAutoSkipError": "Day vote is <color=#cd422b>disabled</color>. Night cycles are automatically skipped. Night cycles are forced every <color=#cd422b>{allowed}</color> nights.",
    "PlusVoteSkip": "Night cycle has started. Night cycle is forced every <color=#cd422b>{allowed}</color> nights. Night cycle will continue.",
    "PrecentConnected": "A day vote is currently in progress. To skip, use <color=#cd422b>/dayvote yes</color>, otherwise, <color=#cd422b>/dayvote no</color>. Yes votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}%</color> of <color=#ffd479>{players}</color> online players.",
    "Progress": "Current day vote progress: <color=#ffd479>{yes} yes</color>, <color=#cd422b>{no} no</color>. Yes/no votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}</color>. Voting ends in <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "Revote": "A one time only day revote will begin in <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "RevoteWait": "A pending <color=#f9169f>revote</color> is already scheduled to start in less than <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "SetRevoteClose": "A pending <color=#f9169f>revote</color> has been aborted.",
    "SetToNightHour": "You have set current time to configured night hour. No day vote will be opened or automatically skipped.",
    "SetVoteClose": "Administrator aborted current day vote by manually setting new time. <color=#cd422b>New time will now take effect.</color>",
    "SkipAutoSkip": "Night cycle has started. Automatic skipping allowed every <color=#cd422b>{allowed}</color> nights. Current night cycle is <color=#cd422b>{current}</color>. Night cycle will continue.",
    "SkipPlusAutoSkip": "Night cycle has started. Night cycle is forced every <color=#cd422b>{allowed}</color> nights. Night cycle will continue.",
    "TimeSet": "Current time set to <color=#cd422b>{set}</color> from <color=#cd422b>{current}</color>.",
    "VoteAlreadyOpen": "A day vote is currently open.",
    "Voted": "You have successfully voted <color=#cd422b>{vote}</color> for this day vote.",
    "VoteFailed": "<color=#cd422b>Voting is closed.</color> Day vote failed, <color=#cd422b>{no} no</color> to <color=#ffd479>{yes} yes</color> votes. Yes/no votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}</color>. Night cycle will continue.",
    "VoteFailedNoVote": "<color=#cd422b>Voting is closed.</color> Day vote failed, no votes were cast. Night cycle will continue.",
    "VoteMinPlayers": "You cannot manually start a day vote, minimum online players of <color=#cd422b>{minimum}</color> was not reached. Current online players is <color=#cd422b>{current}</color>.",
    "VoteNotNight": "You cannot manually start a day vote, current time of <color=#cd422b>{current}</color> cannot be between configured day and night hours of <color=#cd422b>{day}</color> and <color=#cd422b>{night}</color>.",
    "VoteNotOpen": "A day vote is not currently open.",
    "VoteOpen": "Night cycle has started. To skip, use <color=#cd422b>/dayvote yes</color>, otherwise, <color=#cd422b>/dayvote no</color>. Yes/no votes required is <color=#cd422b>{required}</color>. Voting ends in <color=#cd422b>{seconds} seconds</color>.",
    "VotePassed": "<color=#cd422b>Voting is closed.</color> Day vote passed, <color=#ffd479>{yes} yes</color> to <color=#cd422b>{no} no</color> votes. Night cycle will end.",
    "VoteSkip": "Night cycle has started. Day votes allowed every <color=#cd422b>{allowed}</color> nights. Current night cycle is <color=#cd422b>{current}</color>. Night cycle will continue.",
    "WrongArgs": "Syntax error. Use <color=#cd422b>/dayvote</color> for help."
    "Revote": {
    "Announce": "true",
    "Enabled": "false",
    "Prefix": "[<color=#f9169f>Revote</color>]",
    "ProgressInterval": "15",
    "ShowProgress": "true",
    "VoteDuration": "60",
    "VoteRequired": "40%",
    "WaitDuration": "30"
    "Settings": {
    "AllowAutoNights": "1",
    "AllowVoteChange": "false",
    "AllowVoteNights": "1",
    "AutoSkip": "false",
    "DayHour": "6",
    "Enabled": "true",
    "NightHour": "18",
    "Prefix": "[<color=#cd422b>Day Vote</color>]",
    "ProgressInterval": "15",
    "ShowProgress": "true",
    "ShowTimeChanges": "true",
    "UsePermissions": "true",
    "VoteDuration": "60",
    "VoteMinPlayers": "1",
    "VoteRequired": "50%"

    Hab da nix umgeschrieben !

    Moin Shelly ,

    Ich muss das ja sicher als admin eingeben ,richtig ? Nur wie logge ich mich als admin ein das ist das nächste problem rcon.login funktioniert irgendwie nicht ! garnicht so leicht als anfänger das ganze :S

    Moin moin , hab mir heute einen Rust server gemietet , bin auch zufrieden habe aber ein problem bei einem plugin unzwar das Gathering plugin , ich habe keine ahnung wie ich das Gathering erhöhen kann hat da jeman von euch erfahrung mit ? Habe alle anderen Plugins zum laufen bekommen nur das möchte irgendwie nicht ? Hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen ! Danke schonmal ||

    Hier ein link zum Plugin !