Rustomatic servers still need you | Giveaway soon

  • Rustomatic is looking for players!

    The hardcore monthly server is attracting more and more unique players!

    The server has broken its record of players online last thursday with a player population of 28! With all my hear thank you all for your support, much appreciated <3

    We now have a steady 18 players on the server.

    Because of that the server rank rose again to a new record too #944.

    In order to give something back for your dedication to the server I am willing to launch a giveaway of the newest Lumberjack DLC to the most loyal player of the hardcore monthly server. Info on that isn't ready yet.

    I am also building a website for the servers so stay tuned on that!

    You can find all the info about the servers here:

    Rustomatic | Hardcore | Monthly - connect

    Rustomatic | SOLO | Hardcore | Thursday wipes - connect

    Rustomatic | 2x Gather | Half crafting | PVP | Monthly map | No BP wipes - connect


    Thank you all and have a great day <3